Friday, March 30, 2007

TOP STORY >>Civilian employee wins two AETC awards

Special to The Drop Zone

Virgil Moore, 314th Operations Support Squadron Airfield Management Operations Training Manager, was recently awarded the Air Education and Training command Airfield Management Journeyman/Technician Civilian of the Year and the 58th Annual William A. Jump Memorial Award.

The William A. Jump Memorial Award, established in 1950, is presented annually in recognition of outstanding service in administration and notable contributions to the efficiency and quality of public service.

Moore was chosen over all Airfield Management Civilian nominees from 14 AETC bases. He will go on to compete for both awards at the Air Force level.

As Airfield Training Manager, Moore is supporting the Little Rock AFB mission by maintaining the air field infrastructure and ensuring that the base aircrafts operate in a safe environment. Mr. Moore said he is proud of his accompishments
“We at Airfield Management supervise flight service, flightline operations and airfield maintenance activities to ensure safe, effective and efficient airfield operations at Little Rock Air Force Base,” he said. “(The most rewarding part of my job is) the daily opportune challenges and experience gained. After 12 years of active-duty service in Airfield Management, I’ve been blessed to be able to continue the job I enjoy and within the same great organization, only now as a civil servant."
Some of Moore’s job duties include inspecting the air field, responding to air craft emergencies, coordinating with civil engineers to maintain the upkeep of the air field, and sending out notices to the airmen about air field restrictions.
He also supports the Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard Program and manages the Base Flightline Driving Program.


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