Thursday, September 6, 2007

TOP STORY >>Reflecting back, looking forward

By Brig. Gen. (S) Wayne Schatz
314th Airlift Wing Commander

This week I want to briefly take a look back and then start looking toward the future.

First, I want to thank every member of the 314th Airlift Wing for their participation in last Friday’s Wingman Day activities.
By all indications, the event was a success. I have seen some preliminary feedback and am taking it to heart.

Wing agencies will look at all of the feedback provided and find ways to incorporate it into the next Wingman Day and into our day-to-day operations here.

For those of you who haven’t provided feedback through your chain, please do soon at your earliest opportunity.
We need your input in order to ensure that life at the Rock runs smoothly for all.

Next, we need to look forward. The Air Force celebrates an important milestone this month and we will be part of the celebration activities. We are hosting a military ball Sept. 22 honoring the Air Force’s 60th Anniversary.

I would like to personally invite all of you to attend. Various organizations across Little Rock have worked hard to ensure that tickets are affordable for all ranks.

This will prove to be a night of camaraderie and celebration.

We have so much to be proud of as members of Team Little Rock and members of this community. It is time for us to get out, put on our finest uniforms and stand proudly as we represent what this great nation and our great service is all about.
Equally important to our heritage is the national POW/MIA recognition day luncheon Sept. 21. I invite you all to Hangar 1080 at 11:30 a.m. to an event that will pay tribute to those who sacrificed so much for us.

We are honored to have six former prisoners of war who are attending to share their experiences with us.
I am proud to serve with each of you and look forward to toasting you on the Air Force’s diamond anniversary.  
Combat Airlift!


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