Friday, October 19, 2007

TOP STORY >>ORI: Get ready to ROCKEX!

By Maj. Nate Allerheiligen
314th Airlift Wing Director of Readiness

Are you ready to ROCKEX? Next week, we’ll be having a composite exercise for Team Little Rock.

The 314 AW, 189 AW, and 463 AG will all be exercising different portions of their combat preparedness machines.

This will be a tough and rigorous exercise of the base, but it is absolutely essential for Team Little Rock to prepare for our inspections, enhance our war-fighting skills, and validate that our training is top-notch.

For the community, it will mean some loss of services. Support functions, customer service areas, and many facilities may have closures with little or no notification.

Almost the entire base will be affected in one form or fashion. As a member of Team Little Rock (if you are reading this, you are on the team), we ask for your cooperation and patience while we give this mission critical tune-up to our outstanding Airmen.
For those Airmen directly involved in the exercise, it is time to put on your game face for a good, hard scrimmage. We’ll be working events far above and beyond what our inspection will demand — that’s good.

However, nothing we give you will compare to what your comrades in arms are facing on a daily basis in their deployed locations. Help us help you by playing by the rules, make this as real as possible, and handle each situation as close to “real world” as you can.

We only have 3 opportunities between now and the inspection to conduct these base-level ROCKEX’s. Let’s make this one count!
Combat Airlift!


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