Friday, October 19, 2007

TOP STORY >>Saving energy yields big money for base

By Tech. Sgt. Joseph Croswait
Special to the Drop Zone

October is Energy Awareness Month and there are things we can all do to make more wise and effective use of our energy resources.

Little Rock Air Force Base spent more than $500,000 last month just to keep our lights on. With the rising cost of these expenses, and the effect on our environment from consumption of natural resources, it is the responsibility of all of us to take steps to conserve energy.

Everyone's efforts can make a significant impact on our budget. Last year the base saved more than $300,000 for end-of-year spending that included some needed dormitory renovations, improvements to our C-130 assault landing strip, computer replacements, and several force protection improvements.

Energy conservation means money conservation and a healthier environment.

Here are some things each person can do to save energy and money:

• Ensure thermostats are set not higher than 70 degrees F for heating and not lower than 75 degrees F for cooling.

• Lower blinds to preserve cooling during summer. Raise blinds on windows with southern exposure to take advantage of natural heat and light during the winter.

• Keep air supply and return vents clean and free of obstacles that block air flow.

• Minimize the number of office refrigerators in your building.

• Please remember, space heaters are prohibited on LRAFB without proper approval.

• Switch off unnecessary lights, equipment, and appliances.

• Energy Savings Performance Contracts: Implementing energy saving technologies like programmable thermostats; efficient heating; improved light bulbs and fixtures. It’s a no-brainer!

For more information, visit the Department of Energy at


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