Friday, May 9, 2014

On the cover

President Barack Obama steps off Air Force One on May 7 at Little Rock Air Force Base. President Obama visited with victims, local officials and emergency responders in Vilonia who were affected by the tornado April 27. (
U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Kaylee Clark)

Combat Airlifter
of the Week
Staff Sgt. Joshua Dunkin, a 373rd Training Squadron Detachment 4 aircraft maintenance instructor and international scheduler, instructs students on the removal and installation of a main landing gear tire May 5 at Little Rock Air Force Base. Dunkin authored four international courses for five Omani Air Force career fields to establish their C-130J mission helping foster international relations. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Kaylee Clark)


President Barack Obama returns the salute of Col. Patrick Rhatigan, the 19th Airlift Wing and installation commander, on May 7 at Little Rock Air Force Base. At least 15 people were killed during the April 27 tornado, which tore through central Arkansas. ( U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Scott Poe

President lands at LRAFB to view Arkansas tornado damage
President Barack Obama landed at Little Rock Air Force Base on Wednesday to tour the local communities damaged by the April 27 tornado. In his first visit to the state as President, Obama met with victims, local officials and emergency personnel. “When something happens like this to a community, it happens to all of us,” said Obama, during his address to community members in Vilonia.

Retiree Appreciation Day
The retiree activities office hosted the 36th annual Retiree Appreciation Day on May 3 at the Thomas Community Activities Center at Little Rock Air Force Base. Col. William Otter, the 19th Airlift Wing vice commander, began the event by welcoming and thanking all of the retirees for their dedication to the military.

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