Tuesday, June 2, 2009

COMMENTARY >> Maintaining a proud legacy

By Chief Master Sgt. Anthony Brinkley
19th Airlift Wing command chief

As we have recently reflected on those that fought and died for our country during the Memorial Day weekend, my question is are you maintaining a proud legacy? We realize that our nation was founded and maintained by the lives of countless patriots. Each day we lace up our boots and put on our uniforms, or in some cases civilian clothes, we either honor or degrade the service of our predecessors by our actions.

Something as simple as the pride in which we wear our uniforms makes a statement about honoring those who served before us. Less than one percent of our nation serves on active duty and how you portray yourself is essential in instilling confidence in the public while paying reverence to those before us.

Those brave patriots before us made it their personal responsibility to ensure each person under their charge was ready to step in if called upon. A legacy is about passing on traditions and customs to those behind them. Are your people capable of stepping up and leading their sections in your absence? If you are not training to this level, I submit that your vision may be near sighted.

The greatest legacy that has been passed down to us is our oath to protect and defend our nation against all enemies. This means our training, conditioning, and focus must be exceptional. We must never forget that sacred trust between our nation and its military.

The tree of liberty has been sustained with the blood of our nation’s best.

We owe a great debt to those who have forged a trail of excellence in prior conflicts, and their records are clearly exceptional.
Each of our stories are still being written, and my prayer is that the conclusion will honor those before us while keeping our nation as the shining light on a hill for others to see.

Combat Airlift!


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