Thursday, June 18, 2009

COMMENTARY>>When did you decide not to be an Airman?

By Chief Master Sgt. Anthony Brinkley
19th Airlift Wing command chief

I was talking to Mrs. Pat Sheppard, secretary for the 19th Airlift Wing vice commander, this week about how we can improve on being the best base in the Air Force. Her response was everyone needs to understand that service to our nation is vital. She further relayed that being an Airman is not just a statement, but a way of life.

Even though we have a tremendous heritage and enduring legacy for providing Combat Airlift, there have been a few who have not lived up to our Core Values as Airmen.

Lately, our legal office has been busy dealing with a few issues which could have compromised our mission. I am thankful to our investigators, personnel specialists and legal offices in expediting those from our ranks who violate the sacred trust between our military and our nation.

Can you remember when you decided not to be an Airman?

For some it is easy to remember. When you decide to drink and drive, you put all of us at risk. When you decide to use drugs, you put our mission at risk. Not making physical fitness a part of your lifestyle puts everyone around you in jeopardy during contingency operations. Taking shortcuts when it comes to training and safety goes against everything being an Airman is all about.

If any of the above applies to you, then you need to reassess what being an Airman is about.

No one is above anyone else on this base and I am grateful to the vast majority of our Airmen, civilians, family members and retirees who demonstrate exceptional teamwork.

But to those of you who don’t take these words seriously, we have the best investigative, judicial and administrative team in the business that will expedite your change in status. Our mission is too important to our nation and we will never compromise our values.

Combat Airlift!


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