Thursday, August 20, 2009

COMMENTARY>>The real measure of success

By Maj. Julie Gaulin
314th Operations Group

How do you measure success within your own career?

I have attended several retirement ceremonies over the last few months and as I sat in the audience during each of them, I saw one recurring theme. Those who chose to honor our great nation with their service didn’t focus on the rank they had acquired, the medals they had earned or the accolades they had received. They all focused on one thing: the people who had touched them throughout their career.

This is the legacy that lives beyond us … who have our mentors been and who have we been a mentor to?
In the 314th Airlift Wing, we have a unique opportunity to touch the future of our Air Force and the future of our nation. We are the mentors for Airmen of all ranks and we must not squander this opportunity.

While we’re all professionals who take our teaching role very seriously, we must take it beyond the aircraft. We see more than 1,800 students per year come through our various courses. Success shouldn’t be measured by our on-time graduation rate, the score on their end-of-course test or even the grade received on their check ride. Success is the impact we make on Airmen which will last them the rest of their life.

We must never forget we are all Airmen, Wingmen, leaders and warriors. No matter your rank or your job, you have the chance to be a mentor. Take the time to take younger Airmen under your wing. Only then will you truly be successful.

My measure of success is simple: how did I positively affect an Airman today? How about you?


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