Thursday, June 25, 2009

COMMENTARY>>Gifts are for sharing

By Chief Master Sgt. Anthony Brinkley
19th Airlift Wing Command Chief

Today, after another busy day on “the Rock,” a few of us sat around the office and began to discuss what we respect in good leadership. Mrs. Cheryl Fraser, the 19th Airlift Wing commander’s secretary, made the point that the best leaders understand that their gifts and talents are to be used to take care of those around them. I believe each of us possess unique talents and abilities that set us apart from anyone else.

The best leaders understand they must model the behavior they want others to emulate. So are you letting your talents benefit your organization, community and family? If not, then we all miss out on the experience of learning from you. Never forget the gifts that reside within you are to help those around you. If you aren’t sure what your gifts are, then you may need a little self-exploration. But I can assure you of one thing, and that is you have talents unique to you.

Some of you have technical or mechanical talents, while others have administrative gifts that help people keep order in their processes.

Yet others have less tangible, but vitally important gifts. The gift of encouragement comes to mind for me. I have a dear friend, who has cancer, yet his faith and family are strong and he is demonstrating to me how to deal with adversity with dignity.

It’s amazing what sharing the gift of kindness and understanding can do for someone. Will you consider sharing those with someone today?

So I thank Mrs. Fraser for reminding me today that power is not about you feeling good, but it’s about using what you have to help others.

Some of the best leaders understand it’s never about them, but about others. I challenge each of you to continue to unwrap the gifts within you while we protect our nation and way of life.

Combat Airlift!


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